Sunday School
Meet Our Sunday School Director
Bro. Sabu or Mathew Valiaparampil
Sunday School Curriculum and Text Books
The church follows IPC Eastern Region Sunday School Curriculum for text books and examinations.
Region Curriculum and Text Books Link
Importance of Sunday School
First, Sunday school is important because of its basic purpose - Christian education. In Sunday school persons of all ages learn about God, the Bible and God's will for each person's life. The Bible is the Christian's "handbook for life." Within its pages we learn about what's right and what's wrong. We see examples of people who followed God and those who rejected His leading. And, we learn about Jesus Christ, His teaching, and the Way of Salvation that is available through Him.
Second, Sunday school is important because of how people are taught. Sermons are important, but they are one-size-fits-all lectures with little opportunity for discussion or questions. But, in Sunday school, you can ask questions, discuss, and share personal insights and experiences as you really dig into the Scriptures.
Third, Sunday school is important because it is age specific. Preschoolers don't have the same understanding of sin, grace and many other Christian concepts as adults. And, the problems and concerns that junior high students face are much different from those of senior citizens. That's why, in Sunday school, we divide students according to their age and education level ,so that they can get the maximum benefits from each lesson.
Fourth, Sunday school is important because of the fellowship that it promotes. We all need friends. We all need Christian friends, persons that we can share with, confide in, laugh with and be accountable to. And, Sunday school is one of the best places to see such Christian relationships develop.
"The Bible will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from the Bible"
D. L . Moody